La Comida

La Comida

Sarita enjoying a typical dominican dish of rice with pigeon peas and cow intestines.

About Sarita

Sara Evjen was born March 5th, 1986 in Albion, Ca and is the oldest of three girls. Sara moved to Oregon with her family at the age of 5 and grew up in a little neighborhood called Sellwood. She attended Llewellyn Elementary, Sellwood Middle and Cleveland High. She graduated high school in 2004 and moved to Eugene, OR to attend the University of Oregon. Sara completed her studies at the University of Oregon with a Bachelor of Arts in Family and Human services, a Minor in Business Administration and a concentration in Spanish. Sara is currently a Peace Corps Volunteer serving in the Dominican Republic and working with marginalized youth and families living in poverty. She is set to return to the states in December 2012 and plans to pursue a Masters in Social Work or a PhD in Counseling Psychology.
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4 Responses to La Comida

  1. Laura says:

    you’re beautiful Sarita!

  2. Rita Nelson says:

    Ew, I just love your sense of adventure but you need to get home and have sushi with me. 🙂

  3. Eric.. says:

    aw now thats a beautiful smile, i just caught up on your posts its been awhile since i checked but this is the last one in my inbox and its a good one to end with. love ya

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